Showing posts with label potato. Show all posts
Showing posts with label potato. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Reunited with Potatoes Once Again!!!

By the way, this past Sunday (Easter) was my last day of fasting potatoes for Lent! So when I could finally eat potatoes, I went to lunch with a couple of friends with the full intention of ordering the scrumptious spud. I ordered "Baked Chicken on Rice with Portuguese Sauce", a dish that always comes with POTATOES. But no... the restaurant that I went to was a MASSIVE FAIL and my meal turned out to be a large mound of rice with a sad shriveled excuse of a chicken cutlet topped with a thick barf-coloured sauce that smelled just like it looked (hungry yet?) Ironically I had gone to another restaurant with my parents the night before, and my mom had ordered the exact same thing - and it had come with potatoes galore!

After that anti-climatic experience, I overcompensated today by going to McDonald's on two separate occasions - once to get a junior chicken burger, and later on to get a LARGE FRIES that I ate all by myself in all of its greasy, glorious, golden goodness. Mr. Potato joined in on my little feast too...

Oh, and side note: After eating those fries, I ate six tacos. Yes... today was a good day indeed.

Friday, April 1, 2011

LENT update:

Random update on my potato fast: today I accidentally ate POTATO CHIPS!!! I swear it was an accident! haha. Here's my alibi... I was super hungry so I bought TWO BAGS of chips from the vending machine. The first bag was sun chips (not potato) but the second bag was Miss Vickies chips (definitely potato). I didn't even realize it until I had finished the very last chip. OOPS.

Clearly I am going through withdrawal.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

For Lent, I'm giving up... POTATOES!!!!! 

For those of you who are not familiar with this Christian tradition, Lent is the season before Easter. Lent is a time of growth and simplicity - it's kind of like "spring cleaning" (actually, Lent comes from the Germanic word for springtime)<-- wikipedia!! It's a time to clean out those things in our lives that can often take up too much of our time, or take a priority over our relationship with God. I know some people are giving up TV, or Facebook, or websurfing on their iPhones during this time. Since I don't watch TV, don't go on Facebook regularly, and don't own an iPhone (remember? I'm a grandma from the 60's), I've decided to give up potatoes for 40 days. For those of you who know me well, potatoes are like my DAILY DIET... that and burgers. I honestly do need to eat more healthy foods since I was bred on Mr. Noodles my whole life, so this will be a good opportunity to change my insanely bad eating habits. HELP!

I started the fast from potatoes yesterday, and I'm already in withdrawal mode (which is probably why I photoshopped potatoheads (see previous post)... 
it's to compensate for the lack of potatoes/fries/chips consumption.

Anyway, please support me and my Potato Fast in these 2 ways:
1) If you see me, remind me not to eat potatoes!
2) DO NOT eat potatoes in front of me... or I will kill you. just kidding!!!

(but not really).

5 Years of Wonderful Randomness

Dearest Mr. Potato Head, 

It's been 5 hilarious years.

Let's make it 50. <3

Yours Truly,

Miss Potato Head