Monday, May 30, 2011

Cut the Rope Pillow

From one of my previous posts, I gave a little peek of something green and furry that I made. So here it is...

TA DA!!! 

It's a pillow of that little green creature from CUT THE ROPE (What's his name? I don't know). I said I was going to do a tutorial, but really, I made so many mistakes while making this pillow, I can't even tell you how I made it. haha. The green furry fabric was the BAIN OF MY EXISTENCE. It shed like a DOG and was like DEATH to work with. I would suggest using green fleece fabric instead. The whole process was just pure experimentation and continually correcting failure. I think it turned out okay for my first pillow... (first and last!!!) Never again. never again.


  1. ahhhh so cute!! i love how it's like a fat blob. looks just like the real thing! i'm glad you finished the project even though it was so hard. just means you can sew like beast! :D

  2. his name is OmNom!!
    I love this game! :)
