Wednesday, March 30, 2011


A long time ago, Mr. Potatohead and I made up our own FOOD ALPHABET of some of our favourite foods from A to Z. Then I drew our whole food extravaganza in Photoshop and printed it out as a giant poster. THEN, I told Mr. Potatohead that I'm not getting married until we eat all the foods on this list (in one sitting! just kidding). I don't think we've gone through the entire thing yet but I do have photographic evidence of a few of them - maybe I shall post them sometime. 

For the letter M, we're talking specific mexifries here... specifically the MEXIFRIES DELUXE from TACO LUIS, the local celebrity at Lansdowne Mall:

For the letter T, we're talking giant MONSTER TAKOYAKI BALLS from TENKU near the Bridgeport Skytrain Station:

Do check out both - they are awesome.

...and now I'm hungry.


  1. im hungry too now thanks laura!

  2. LAURA, so glad you left a comment on my blog so I could find you! This blog is hilarious. Really love your creativity and sense of FUN.

    And I was hungry before reading this post. Now I'm hangry. ;)

  3. laura this is freaking awesome. how i miss you!!!... not gtting married until you guys finish the list?.. and only 2 more alphabets left.. you trying to tell us something kwok? lol ;) now that I've made this publicly awkward answer that :)

  4. i just noticed v is for veggies...what?! you? i thought you didn't even like veggies until wil made the roasted kind..with yams, which you don't even really consider as vegetables. haha.

    where is laurgrace's shopping alphabet?

  5. angel: im glad i could spread the hunger. moiwhahahah

    monkeyface: your blog is super awesome! i'm sooo glad u like mine too =)

    vanita: HA! if u read carefully, it's not "2 alphabets left"... those are just the ones we eat OFTEN.

    grace: yah u KNOW i hate veggies... we just couldn't think of any other "V" foods... any suggestions? (yah so i guess it's not all our "favourite" foods after all...)


  6. you have zucchini bread??
